Design Journey

Fri Oct 21 – Playtest Results

Good feedback last night, group liked the colors schemes on most of the cards. We finished a 4-player game in 4.5 hours, but that included a half hour to explain the rules and another half hour of stopping to critique things. Besides a lot of card adjustments, three key things popped out. First, everyone had too much “money” or influence. I’ll throttle back by 1 the amount earned during Refresh, and we’ll see if that achieves the right balance. I’m aiming for not quite enough to do everything you want, driving some choices between actions, skills, and other expenses. Second, maxing out a Skill distorted the contests quite a bit. I’ll remove rank 3 and see if that works better. Third, the hand limit of 6 Action Cards pinched a bit. Taking advice to allow a means of raising that, I added a Leadership track to the Player Card with three ranks: max hand 7, permit 2nd Assistant, max hand 8. I changed the Leader Job card to increase this track instead of drawing a card. I’ll get a different group to playtest in the near future.


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